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Teens in an abusive dating relationship are susceptible to Depression 

A victim of dating abuse

  • is more likely to be depressed or anxious,

  • may experience post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the abuse, and

  • may have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide due to the psychological impact of the abuse.


Warning Signs of Depression:


  • Lack of interest in activities they used to enjoy

  • Lack of energy

  • Changes in appetite or body weight—either lack of appetite/eating or gaining weight

  • Changes in sleeping habits—has trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, or oversleeps

  • Negative self-talk or putting themselves down

  • Irritability or easily becoming angry

  • Headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained aches and pains

  • Trouble concentrating or lower grades (due to inability to focus)

  • Feeling hopeless (only the teen may notice this)


Warning Signs of Suicidal Thoughts and/or Attempts:


  • Making comments such as “Everyone would be better off without me.”

  • Making comments about harming or killing themselves

  • Becoming preoccupied with death or dying

  • Giving away items that have always meant a lot to them or that they wouldn’t share with others in the past

  • Demeanor suddenly changing from being down for a significant amount of time to being happy


If you observe any of the warning signs above, contact a counselor or suicide hotline for advice. (See the Resources tab)

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